Making an order
Before you place your order, we recommend that you ask us for a quote. We aim to reply to all quote requests within 24 hours of receiving them. Please go to 'get a quote' on the menu bar, this will provide us with all the information we need to give you accurate costs.
Timescales – Any size of order usually takes 7-10 days from confirmation to completion. An order is confirmed once a 50% deposit has been paid, or a purchase order number has been provided by our account holders and the artwork has been signed off. The balance is then paid on delivery/collection. Account customers usually have 30 days to pay.
Accounts - Customers are eligible to open accounts with us once they are ordering regularly and have been consistent with their payments. If you feel you are eligible for account terms please ask.
Payment – We accept cash, credit cards, debit cards, company cheques, personal cheques (with a valid card) and BACS.

Artwork – You will need to show us the artwork or design you would like to print. If this is not possible we can provide you with an interim quote if you can tell us how many colours are in the design and what size it will be. The quote will be finalised on receipt of final artwork. If you are not able to produce the artwork or design yourself we can help by originating the artwork for you or by tailoring existing designs. This is a chargeable service. You will need to provide artwork in a certain format. Please refer to the 'Artwork' page for guidance.
Printing – We can advise on which printing technique would be suitable for your job. We will need to know quantities and the end-use of the garment.
Garments – We can provide a wide range of blank garments, ready for printing. If you require us to provide the garment, please let us know what type (t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc), colour and quantity you require.
We have a great deal of experience in providing prints for a wide range of purposes, such as promotion, retail, uniforms or one-offs. If you give us an idea of the intended purpose of your own print job, we can advise you on the best garment to use.
Samples – If you require a sample before we start your job, all sampling set-up costs will need to be paid in advance.
Delivery – Please let us know if the completed order is to be shipped to a specific address or collected from the Tib Street shop.
For an accurate quote please use the quote form at the top of the page.